This is my story about how I found World of Warcraft, because it's kind of unique. I've heard of a lot of stories about how their significant others got them into a game. I have always wanted to play Dungeons and Dragon's but I've never been able to actually find a table and because I had other games I could play by myself, those always took priority. However, with World of Warcraft my story is a little different.
As Sophia from Golden Girls would say, "Picture it..." the year was 2007 and there was a guy who I was very interested in going on a date with. He asked me out and we had plans to hang out on the weekend. Imagine my surprise when Friday rolls around and he comes and says, "I forgot Burning Crusade is coming out and I want to play it with my guild."
He doesn't explain any further than that by the way. He doesn't ask if we can go out another time. He just gives me that information and walks away. Which absolutely made me absolutely [CENSORED].
So I did what any girl would do. I went home and I found out what the heck a Burning Crusade was, discovered that it was a video game and was like, "dude I play Super Mario! I can totally play this too." I downloaded it, played the trial and it was super fun.
The next week that same guy tried to reschedule and I just responded with, "I'm sorry I'll be too busy leveling my night elf druid." He was shocked that I played so I told him that we could have played together if he had just told me what it was but by excluding me and making me feel like he would always choose a game he could play at any time over me that I was no longer interested in him.
Which as a kid, that's kind of a fair take. As kids or teenagers, we don't really put too much stock in "this person I am dating is 'the one' and I'll never be with anyone else." Or at least I didn't. But it didn't feel good to come second to a game and I wasn't going to risk that happening repeatedly. So thanks for blowing me off and getting me obsessed with a video game I have played off and on for over 10 years now. Who knows if he still plays, but it gives me some serotonin and I'll take all of that I can get!