Work in Progress: Ursa the Half-Orc Ranger


The following is back up character I've created for my latest DnD campaign, should something happen to Raises Hackles. I am pretty sure I want to use Maiev Brightwood in an entirely different/new campaign. This character's backstory borrows from Draka from World of Warcraft, who was also an orc who had a rough start. Though their beginnings are the same, while Draka goes off and becomes a hero among the Orcs and elevates herself, Ursa was abducted by the fey during her pilgrimage! Where does she end up? Only the roll of the dice will tell, but here is what we know of her so-far:

Ursa was born to an human father and orc mother (Wolf Clan) because her mother saw her father as a strong and gentle warrior with whom she thought would make her strong children. Ursa was born a weak and sickly orc. Not only did her clan-mates discriminate against her, but orcs from other clans also claimed she was a dishonor to the orcish race by being a half-breed. Other's said that if she was born in Gruumshs' clan, she would have been drowned at a young age. Ursa and her family were forced to move to the outskirts of the village by their clan leader, though her parents understood the chieftain's reasons.

As a teenager, Ursa asked Luthic if there was any way to strengthen her sickly body. Luthic told Ursa that there was a way, but it could mean death. Luthic sent Ursa on a pilgrimage to obtain ingredients for a potion to cure Ursa's illness. As she set out on her quest a member of the fey wild distracted her and she ended up in the fey realm. The mark it left on her is the unnatural blue tinge to her hair and eyes. In addition, her war paint is now blue rather than her tribes usual blood red.

  • Race: Half-Orc
  • Gender: Female
  • Physical Characteristics
    • Age: 18 years
    • Height: 6'1"
    • Weight: 245 lbs.
    • Eyes: Ice-Blue
    • Skin: Bluish-gray
    • Hair: white with a blue tint
  • Class: Ranger
    • Ranger Archetype: Fey Wanderer
  • About Ursa:
    • Family: father was human (strong but gentle) and mother who was an orc (harsh and unyielding) 
    • 1 older sister named Nagrette, also a Half-Orc who seems to be the best of both their parents. She is among the strongest in the clan and brings honor to the family that Ursa believes she has disgraced. Nagrette does not treat Ursa differently and several of her scars have been earned protecting Ursa from other clan-members.
    • Ursa was ensorcelled by a fey and enslaved for 4 years before she escaped and this earned her the fey wanderer background as well as the changes to her appearance and change in her illness.
    • Eventually Ursa will meet an important human, who is friendly towards her.
    • Trinkets from the Fey Realm: A dragon's bony talon hanging from a plain leather necklace, A silver skull the size of a coin and a diary written in a language Ursa doesn't know.
  • Personality Traits: I feel far more comfortable around animals than people.
  • Ideal: Honor. If I dishonor myself, I dishonor my whole clan. (Lawful)
  • Bond: I will bring terrible wrath down on the evildoers who destroyed my homeland.
  • Flaw: I remember every insult I've received and nurse a silent resentment toward anyone who's ever wronged me.

This is everything I have on Ursa so far. What do you think? Should I include a character sheet of how I built her? Let me know in the comments.