These are my older roleplay characters from World of Warcraft. Basically, I created them to do one or two roleplays and while they are still inexistence, I don't use them to roleplay anymore. Enjoy!
Head Baker of Sugarbuns Bakery
Shayla is not your average death knight. She has bright purple hair and rosy cheeks (it's a lovely pigmented rouge she got from an inscriptionist) and a bubbling personality that do not often come to the undead. She does this in an attempt to make you more at ease with her, since her voice has an echo and her hollow eyes have no light to them.
If it helps, she actually never intended to become a part of the scourge to begin with. You see, Shayla was sent to a baker to study under in Lordaeron. He became terrified of the Lich King and unknown to her, was helping poison the food stores in exchange for a promising position. Whether he intended to change her, she would not ever know. She ate some of the poisoned food herself thinking she had just over sugared a pie. Death befell her. When her mentor discovered her body, he begged another death knight to resurrect her. Upon her awakening, she realized what had happened. Grabbing the runeblade from the death knight who brought her back, she ran through her mentor, ending his contribution to the world and her life. The death knight brought her to Acherus and there she then became apart of the scourge. She discovered that the only way to get out of the mess she ended up in, was to become this abhorrent creature of undeath. It was also her only way back to her one true love (which is baking). She joined forces with and fought her way back to the Alliance.
She struggles daily with herself and the things she has done, but going back to the things she enjoyed before and reconnecting, even if it seems idiotic now, helps to curb her disgust. She understands your hesitation to take baked goods from her because of previous events, even after all this time. She bakes to take the edge off and when that does not work, you'll find her in the Plaguelands, ending those who refuse to reform. After a very brief but very violent altercation with some sentinels in Darnassus, Shayla refuses to go near the elf homeland.
If you are concerned about the food, ask her to sample her own wares just to prove that the only thing you will become after eating her baked goods is satisfied.
CERYDWYNN Spiritraiser
Priestess of Elune
Cerydwynn is a night elf, tall and slender with muscular features and pale skin. She has long and flowing seafoam hair and sea green markings around her glowing eyes that glint with hope or mischief and you'll never known which is which. Cerydwynn was raised to be a servant of Elune. At one time it was her only desire to heal those who were wounded defending the precious balance of nature. During the Shattering however, things changed for Cerydwynn. Cerydwynn suffers from a split personality disorder. Her main personality, Cery, is the healer and focuses on the light and helping others. Her other personality, goes by Wynny, and is consumed by shadow and enjoys fighting and killing either for a preceived necessity or out of boredom. It is this unique combination of light and dark within her that allows her to see past the usual prejudices and judgmental notions Night Elves are known for, especially when it comes to Warlocks and Death Knights. Cerydwynn understands their struggle, as it is similar to her own.
Depending on which of her personalities is at the forefront, when interacting with Cerydwynn you may or may not know which personality you are dealing with. Cery is very helpful, unfailingly kind and sweet. Wynny, is more mischevious and brusk. She tends to be more sarcastic and biting.
The dyanmic between the two is extremely interesting. Cery prefers to fight only as a last resort. Wynny is ready to Mind Flay you without batting an eyelash. Cery is the main personality and as such can force herself to the front despite not being a dominate personality type; she only does this when she feels Wynny getting out of control. Wynny is also extremely protective of Cery and forces herself to the front in despirate times or whenever the battle becomes too intense.
Salem is Cery's familiar. Salem's origins are unknown. Cery woke up one morning, unable to remember the events of the night before but certain Wynny had something to do with her unfamiliar location. Salem, was next to her and woke when she did. He let out a yawn, gave a lazy stretch and stared at her expectantly. She gave him a pat and when she walked towards the door, he followed and he has not stopped since. Salem doesn't mind either personality and tends to give Cery some sort of warning as to when danger is near or Wynny is forcing herself to the front.
Cerydwynn's main profession is a Priestess of Elune. However, Cerydwynn occasionally sells her services as an Enchantress (when Wynny) for gold. Cery is an expert in first aid and artisan tailor and prefers to weave cloth bags or bandages and other cloth goods for the needy.